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  • Sale! Colored cardboard

    Grey cardboard


    JEWELRY DESIGN CARDBOARD A4 230G(180g\210g\230g\250g\300g)
    $5/50 sheets of paper
    The quoted price corresponds to 50 sheets of paper
    Need to quote based on order!
    Thanks you order!

    0° white
    10° white gray
    20° light gray
    30° gold
    40° Retro 3-color
    50° Medium gray
    50° celadon gray
    50° jadeite gray
    60° noble gray
    70° coffe gray
    80° blue gray
    90° Dark Grey
    100° black

    5-piece set:
    20° light gray(10 sheets)
    50° Medium gray(10 sheets)
    50° celadon gray(10 sheets)
    50° jadeite gray(10 sheets)
    90° Dark Grey(10 sheets)

    7-piece set:
    0° white ((10 sheets)
    20° light gray (10 sheets)
    50° Medium gray (10 sheets)
    50° celadon gray (10 sheets)
    50° jadeite gray (10 sheets)
    90° Dark Grey (10 sheets)
    100° black (10 sheets)

    Retro color 3-piece set:
    30° Retro color (15 sheets)
    50° Retro color (15 sheets)
    70° Retro color (15 sheets)

    jewelry design grey cardboard
    jewelry design grey cardboard